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The Fire Horse Girl

The Fire Horse Girl - Kay Honeyman I don’t often select historical fiction for myself, but I picked this one up on high recommendations. Here is another fine example of a book whose description I really should have read before diving into the pages. I knew that there was a Fire Horse girl — and a boy — involved, but that was pretty much it. Needless to say, this book surprised me several times!I adored this book. Jade Moon was an easily convincing Fire Horse, and her struggles with everyone around her were clear. Honestly it just felt as if everyone was just drowned in too much tradition, and Jade Moon just wanted the freedom to be herself (which didn’t seem like too much to ask, in my opinion). I was frustrated right alongside her each step of the way — *not* frustrated right alongside the people she was interacting with!I loved her fire! I loved her spirit and her stubbornness. Here is a strong girl, who goes through so much nonsense and so many trials and still never loses her resolve. I had SO much fun watching her get herself into (and out of) trouble, and watching how she learned and grew throughout these experiences.Sterling Promise, on the other hand. Man, that boy frustrated me, even though I could see he wasn’t as bad as he seemed. Watching him try to make something of himself was interesting, and seeing how he and Jade Moon continually interacted with one another was fascinating. Kay Honeyman did an amazing job with the character and relationship development in this book. By the end, I had tears in my eyes and I just wanted to pull Jade Moon and Sterling Promise into a big ole group hug.[Reviews and more at Another Novel Read!]