When I read this book’s description and saw it was about a potion master/rogue, I was instantly interested. Friends, this book was SO much fun. The story was full of fantasy, whimsy, action, and humor, but still had its scary moments, too. I really loved the world Zinn created, with magical creatures, scheming witches, and adventurous royalty. I mean, Kyra is supplied with a PIG to help her find the person she’s trying to assassinate (and the pig is just the cutest thing ever). This was like a light, whimsical version of a Forgotten Realms rogue novel. I also like that, refreshingly, this is a standalone book. While series are great and everything, it’s nice to have the story finished when I close the book. There was definitely room for more stories to be written about this world or these characters, but the lack of cliffhanger at the end was nice. My only complaint is that Kyra spent way too much time noticing how beautiful and gorgeous the male characters were. As they said in the 80′s: gag me with a spoon!