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All in My Head: An Epic Quest to Cure an Unrelenting, Totally Unreasonable, and Only Slightly Enlightening Headache

All in My Head: An Epic Quest to Cure an Unrelenting, Totally Unreasonable, and Only Slightly Enlightening Headache - Paula Kamen I had to order this book online because it’s apparently not available in-store anywhere. I wanted to read it so that I could learn about the struggles Kamen went through to cure her headache. Though her experience isn’t the same thing that I have been going through, I thought it could lend some guidance, or at least some insight into the realms of headaches. Starting off, I was pretty astonished to find that my experience with the neurologist seemed to mirror Kamen’s pretty significantly. We had been treated very similarly, and put on several the same drugs in the beginning (and her story started almost 20 years ago). What this made me realize more than anything was that my neurologist seemed to very much be focusing on my intermittent head pain instead of my symptoms at large. It was a disappointing, although not really very surprising, revelation. As I read further into this book, I really began to feel frustrated for and with Kamen, as her problems never seemed to get better, and her quest for resolve never seemed to end. In the end, I am left feeling two things: slightly disheartened that my chronic problems may never be solved, and grateful that I am not suffering what poor Paula Kamen has been dealing with for close to 20 years.